Building Maintenance
Property Management and Building Maintenance companies use TANKS A LOT®
The Marriott in Monterey California uses in-house plant maintenance. "We like our Tanks-A-Lot because it makes our life a lot easier. It makes watering really enjoyable. Easy to fill, easy to use, easy to handle it's lightweight. It's a great product."Heather Hill Hospital waters 200 plants in one building. It used to take 8 hours. Now they water 400 plants in 8 buildings in half the time. "We love our Tanks-A-Lot, now we can get water to everything, everywhere, easily!"
The Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada is known for it's spectacular floral displays. Thousands of plants are moved, planted and replaced during the year! They use over 20 TANKS A LOT® daily. "These are the best watering machines we have ever used. We have never had a problem, no leaks, no squeaks; they move effortlessly and are easy to move. Tanks-A-Lots are wonderful."
The Registry Resort Floral Shop uses it to refresh huge floral displays, "We love it because it doesn't interfere with the customers and the flowers are always fresh."

Other uses for TANKS A LOT®:
- Windows - no buckets or hoses
- Spot cleaning and emergency water
- Sidewalk & Patio washing - outdoor maintenance
- Silk cleaning & interior plant watering
- Air conditioners
- Spraying Weeds